A place where you can find liberty-oriented opinions and podcasts by Matt Schnackenberg in sunny Florida.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Speech 3 - US Foreign Policy and Blowback
US Foreign Policy and Blowback
Throughout the last few decades there have been a large number of attacks both on US citizens, bases, embassies, and the US's allies. But what caused these attacks? Was it because we are to free? Not at all. It is the United States’ foreign policy, which caused what the CIA calls Blowback; the unintended consequences of actions taken by the US government that the American people have no idea what has or is happening. Since there is a ton of history to cover, I want to focus on three events. The first being who stopped following our founding principles, the Iranian coup in ‘53, and recent events in Pakistan with our drone attacks that is building future blowback.
Now, before I delve into America’s history of foreign policy and total war. I would like to state that the US’s actions abroad is not “our” burden to bare, but rather it is the US government’s. The United States has fallen from its original graces and no longer ran by We the People. This country is now split down the middle, where politicians are bought off and controlled by the most powerful banks in the world. Banks, which control this nation’s currency under the heading of the Federal Reserve, that have the power in one pen stroke can cripple the military industrial complex President Eisenhower originally warned would bring this nation to its knees with its need for imperialism. We the People now have less freedom, our constitution means squat, and this country’s name has been tarnished by constant abridgement of our foreign and domestic policies. This is the blowback from not following our founding principles.
While We the People can make a difference and change history, this is the wrong speech for me to discuss solutions. To even begin talking solutions, there must be a better understanding of this country’s history, why blowback, like the 9/11 attacks and recent embassy attacks are happening today.
Foreign policy in this country should be very simple to state and understand. Thomas Jefferson said it in its simplest form, “Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship. No entangling alliances.” These words can easily be used to summarize most of the first 90 years of this nation’s history. What happened then though, is where things went awry.
Elected March 4, 1861 was the beginning of the US’s decline. Who was elected 1861? Historian Thomas DiLorenzo in his book “The Real Lincoln” as well as I, would state the worst president in US history was elected that day, Abraham Lincoln. To quickly summarize the disaster he caused. He abridged the 10th amendment right to secession for states. He started the Civil War. That’s right, he was warned that if he sent his ship to the south to resupply his bases, instead of pulling his troops out of the newly seceded states, Fort Sumter would attack. The civil war was entirely avoidable.
The Civil War was the worst example of tyranny by any president. During which, Lincoln enacted the basic war ideology of total war, meaning, civilians could and would be targeted, not just the enemy armies. This lead to the burning of the majority of all cities, towns, and farms. This lead to starvation of many women and children. Women were also raped by Northern soldiers. During the entire campaign, Lincoln visited general Ulysses S. Grant on the front lines to relish in stories of the latest escapades of his soldiers in the south.
Due to Lincoln’s actions, it allowed future imperialistic actions to flourish.
The cold war was the beginning of the USA’s fight for puppet control over many nations. The blowback has come in small doses so far, but it is building. During the cold war, we were in a constant battle with the USSR. We took control of many nations through different means. Japan, South Korea, Nigeria, Nicaragua, to name a few. We took these nations over through various methods. Placement of US bases, economic benefits and control, funded coup d'etats, or just bolstering a dictator with arms and money.
The CIA is involved in the majority of the coups and funding of dictators and questionable organizations. Some of the best known organizations the CIA helped, and is still helping maintain power, is Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Contras and the Mujahedin-e. Individuals who gained the most power thanks to our interventions include Mubarak, the former Egyptian leader; Osama bin Laden, former leader of Al-Qaeda; and Saddam Hussein former leader of Iraq.
While there have been at least 30 CIA coups, I want to focus on is the Iranian coup in 1953. During that year a man named Mohammad Mosaddegh was democratically elected as prime minister of Iran. Mosaddegh wanted to nationalize the oil fields controlled by the company now known as BP. After tensions between Britain and Iran increased, the US intervened telling Iran to denationalize their oil fields. After negotiations failed, the US had the CIA fund a coup that reinstated the US and Britain favoring Shah. Mosaddegh was places in house arrest for the rest of his life. An interactive telling of it can be viewed by playing the free game Cat and Coup.
In 1979, the Iranian people overthrew the Shah, and placed the current Iranian government that is likely to be this country's next war.
Within the recent decade, the USA has been conducting drone strikes against “targeted” individuals. Sadly, the accuracy is just as poor as the smart bombs used in WW2. Many civilians are killed in each attack. Our most heavily targeted country is Pakistan. Due to the attacks President Obama and Bush issued, the Pakistani people are demanding their government to take action, and end all alliances. As more attacks happen, the stronger their hatred, the more frequent attacks on embassies, tourists, and soldiers on their soil. This is true everywhere we bomb, occupy, or manipulate.
America’s History of Foreign Policy is an interesting one. Its history is deep within this nation’s roots. If there was more time, I would have loved to go over it in way more detail. Still understanding the point where things went awry, a nice midpoint since that is rearing its head, and our most recent actions in countries like Pakistan allows for understanding of the blowback taken against us. Blowback is brewing, greater every day. They do not hate us because we are free, they hate us because we are there destroying their lives.
US Foreign Policy and Blowback
I. Introduction
Throughout the last few decades there have been a large number of attacks both on US citizens, bases, embassies, and the US's allies. But what caused these attacks? Was it because we are to free? Not at all. It is the United States’ foreign policy, which caused what the CIA calls Blowback; the unintended consequences of actions taken by the US government that the American people have no idea what has or is happening. Since there is a ton of history to cover, I want to focus on three events. The first being who stopped following our founding principles, the Iranian coup in ‘53, and recent events in Pakistan with our drone attacks that is building future blowback.
II. National Breakdown
a. Discuss our national breakdown that has lead to many issues and problems around the world.
b. Dwight Eisenhower’s warning about the Military Industrial Complex did not scratch the surface of what was really controlling the strings of our fall.
c. We the People’s loss of liberties grave form of domestic blowback of bad policy.
III. Purpose and Understanding
a. Explain that knowing this country’s history allows a better understanding of how things happened. b. Discuss how this all benefits everyone.
c. Explain basics of proper foreign policy using Thomas Jefferson’s quote “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship. No entangling alliances.”
IV. - Lincoln
a. His use of total war.
b. Attacks on the civilians and those who spoke against his policies.
a. Funding of terrorism; Bin Laden; Al-Qaeda; etc.
b. Mention their involvement in numerous coups; Iraq, Sudan, etc.
c. Discuss in some detail the coup against Mohammad Mosaddegh.
VI. Pakistan
a. Point out inaccuracy of the drone bomb; similar to “smart bombs.”
b. Citizens are rising up against USA due to civilian death toll.
c. Constantly increases in blowback due to the US government’s actions.
VII. Conclusion
America’s History of Foreign Policy is an interesting one. Its history is deep within this nation’s roots. If there was more time, I would have loved to go over it in way more detail. Still understanding the point where things went awry, a nice midpoint since that is rearing its head, and our most recent actions in countries like Pakistan allows for understanding of the blowback taken against us. Blowback is brewing, greater every day. They do not hate us because we are free, they hate us because we are there destroying their lives.
Jefferson, Thomas. "First Inaugural Address In the Washington, D.C." Bartleby Bookstore. Web. October 21, 2012. <http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres16.html>.
DiLorenzo, Thomas. The Real Lincoln. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002. Print
The Cat and the Coup. Version 1.0. Peter Brinson and Kurosh ValaNejad. Digital: Steam. October 21, 2012.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Speech 2 - Informative - Libertarian Party
The Libertarian Party
Many of you here are a part of the Republican or Democrat parties. Many of you know about their platforms. But how how many of you know about Libertarian party and its platform? A way to think of the libertarian platform is true fiscal conservatism, the promotion of individualism, and strict adherence to the non-aggression principle. The party itself is a viable option past the typical two-party dichotomy we are used to.
The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971. It is currently the third largest and fastest growing party in this country. We believe in state rights, and the ability for states to nullify federal legislation.
Currently there are a large number of candidates running for election. The Libertarian presidential candidate is former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, and VP candidate is current California Supreme Court Judge Jim Gray. Here in Florida the LP has Calen Fretts running for congress; as well as, Peter Richter and Jonathan Loesche running for state house. Calen and Peter are both highly likely to win their seats, making history in this state by being the first Libertarians to hold those seats in Florida. All these candidates strongly stand for the party’s platform.
The first major plank of the libertarian platform is Fiscal conservatism. The overall belief is that everyone should own the entirety of the fruits of their labor. Direct taxation like income tax is immoral and there are other ways to raise funding for government. Also, we believe the government has grown way too big, therefore needs to be reduced to reasonable, constitutionally mandated, and fiscally responsible levels. We also want to end the Federal Reserve, and reduce spending; not just simply balance the budget while secretly raising spending.
Lew Rockwell, an austrian economist and founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute stated that:
“The larger the government, the more our livings standards are reduced. We are fortunate as a civilization that the progress of free enterprise generally outpaces the regress of government growth, for, if that were not the case, we would be poorer each year - not just in relative terms, but absolutely poorer too. The market is smart and the government is dumb, and to these attributes do we owe the whole of our economic well-being.”
This is a perfect quote quantifying the libertarian belief in austrian economics and limited government.
The second plank of the platform is the belief in individualism and the non-aggression principle. The text book of individualism is the belief in the importance of individual civil rights, in the virtues of self-reliance, and personal independence from the state. The not-textbook definition is, I am an individual, and no one has the right to stop me from doing what I or what any other individual wants to do. If I want to smoke pot, no one should tell me I cannot smoke. If I want to own a dozen guns, its not any governance’s right to know what they are. As long as what I am doing does not interfere with another person’s life or rights, except if by mutual contract, then its fair game.
Acts of violence is a violation of a person’s individual rights, and goes against the non-aggression principle. Former Republican presidential candidate in 2008 & 2012, who also ran as Libertarian candidate in 1988, Ron Paul stated in his book Freedom Under Siege:
"All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals."
This quote pretty much completely states exactly what the non-aggression principle advocates, except individuals do have the right to defend themselves.
So, How many of you now know about Libertarian party and it platform? Excellent, now you all have a better understanding of the Libertarian Party and its platform. A party that has become a viable option in local, state, and federal elections versus just those two-party system we know today. A party with a strong platform of fiscal conservatism and individual understanding, that promotes peace and, non-aggressive.
Thank you.
Rockwell, Llewellyn. “Seeing the Unseen.” LewRockwell.com. January 1st, 2008. Web.
September 26th, 2012.
Paul, Ron. Freedom Under Siege. Lake Jackson: Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc., 1987.
I. Introduction
Many of you here are a part of the Republican or Democrat parties. Many of you know about their platforms. But how how many of you know about Libertarian party and its platform? A way to think of the libertarian platform is true fiscal conservatism and social individualism; as well, as strict adherence to the non-aggression principle. The party itself is a viable option past the typical two-party dichotomy we are used to.
II. The Party
a. Give a variety of information on the LP ranging from current presidential
candidates, one or two state candidates, party size, and growth information.
III. Fiscal conservatism.
a. Explain all key points.
i. small government
ii. debt reduction
iii. reduced taxation
b. Discuss how this all benefits everyone.
c. Use the following quotation from Llewellyn “Lew” Rockwell, founder of the
Ludwig von Mises Institute -
The larger the government, the more our livings standards are reduced. We are fortunate as a civilization that the progress of free enterprise generally outpaces the regress of government growth, for, if that were not the case, we would be poorer each year - not just in relative terms, but absolutely poorer too. The market is smart and the government is dumb, and to these attributes do we owe the whole of our economic well-being.
IV. Individualism and the Non-Aggression Principle.
a. Give the basic definition of individualism ie the everyone is an individual
therefore should be respected as an individual.
b. Use this quote from former republican and libertarian presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul. -
"All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals."
V. Conclusion
So, How many of you now know about Libertarian party and it platform? Excellent, now you all have a better understanding of the Libertarian Party and its platform. A party that has become a viable option in local, state, and federal elections versus just those two-party system we know today. A party with a strong platform of fiscal conservatism and individual understanding, that promotes peace and, non-aggressive.
Rockwell, Llewellyn. “Seeing the Unseen.” LewRockwell.com. January 1st, 2008. Web.
September 26th, 2012.
Paul, Ron. Freedom Under Siege. Lake Jackson: Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc., 1987.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
One Algorithm Made Up 4% Of All Trading Last Week
No one knows where it came from, or what it was meant to do, but 4
percent of all trading in the U.S. stock market last week was executed
by one algorithm, CNBC reports.
Nanex, a market data firm, told CNBC
that the algorithm was placing orders once every 25 milliseconds and
then canceling them. The orders went out in bursts of 200, then 400, and
then 1,000 orders.
Then suddenly, around 10:30 AM on Friday, the algorithm stopped entirely.
Nanex has the animation that helped them zoom in to the mysterious algorithm posted here.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mystery-algorithm-4-of-trading-last-week-2012-10#ixzz28sDtZyZY
This type of trading needs to be banned.
Then suddenly, around 10:30 AM on Friday, the algorithm stopped entirely.
Nanex has the animation that helped them zoom in to the mysterious algorithm posted here.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mystery-algorithm-4-of-trading-last-week-2012-10#ixzz28sDtZyZY
This type of trading needs to be banned.
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