A place where you can find liberty-oriented opinions and podcasts by Matt Schnackenberg in sunny Florida.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
End Gun Free Zones
Note: This is an editorial for a local newspaper. They limit submissions to 250 words.
Another horrific tragedy has started the blaming the inanimate object game instead of the laws, or rules at certain establishments, that prevented anyone from stopping psychopaths doing these deeds. The laws I blame for these tragedies are the ones that create gun free zones. These types of laws make it so law-abiding citizens are disarmed; therefore, preventing them from defending themselves or others in situations which with a gun they could have prevented the deaths of my innocent individuals.
Let us take a look at the most recent school shooting. It claimed the lives of 20 children and 6 adults. Schools are, obviously, gun free zones due to laws and regulations that prevent teachers and faculty from carrying firearms for defense. While this recent shooting had an unexpected variable (the perpetrator being a student’s father) if teachers were allowed to carry firearms for the defense of themselves and their students, there would have been less innocent lives lost. This is true for all school shootings.
The infamous Colorado theater shooting, and all shootings in general, could have easily been prevented if firearms were allowed. Theater guests (overzealous law-abiding citizens) voluntarily disarmed themselves to follow the theater’s posted rule. This rule unfortunately prevented the ability for disarmed citizens to defend against the attack. If someone had a concealed weapon few would have been killed by the shooter.
These are just two examples of why Gun free Zones should be abolished. Blame these laws for the loss of innocent lives.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Border Fences?
I spoke without writing a script this time. So here is the outline I used.
Border Fences?
I. Introduction
With the insane unemployment numbers (real unemployment numbers being 22.9% nationwide, with adjusted and mostly fictional numbers being reported at 7.9%) people have started to blame immigration and to a vast extent illegal immigration as the leading cause. This being said, the solution many have called for is a border fence between the USA and Mexico. A border fence that stretches the 2000+ miles between the stretch of land California to Texas, and Mexico. The bad part about a border fence is that this is not the middle ages. A border fence would be extremely costly, and generally inefficient.
II. Insane costs and time
a. It would cost billions.
b. Rick Perry stated cost to be 15 - 30 billion dollars, and 10 - 15 years to complete.
c. This does not include cost of security.
d. Repair costs have not been estimated or considered a factor.
III. Other variations that cost more
a. Michele Bachmann wants a double fence! The insanity. b. Debate of electrifying the entire thing.
c. There are other additions like unclimbable brick, increased height, and razor wire wrapped fences.
IV. - Ineffective
a. Explain why a border fence is completely useless in the fight against illegal immigration. According to Donna Keene (Reagan/Bush administrations) and Randie Rosen (Lawyer, MBA).
b. Intricate tunnels made by Drug Cartels can be used to smuggle immigrants as well as the use of vehicles.
c. Most illegal immigrants are those on expired work and student visas.
V. Conclusion
The idea of a border fence is ludicrous.The costs for every variation is to high. And in general it would be ineffective in preventing illegal immigration. In today’s modern age building a 2000+ mile fence is pointless,and won’t solve the problems of today.
Thank you.
Rick Perry. 2012 Republican Primary Debate. Various dates; 2011/12. Television.
Keene, Donna. Rosen, Randie. The Conservative Case Against a Border Fence.
U.S. News. 12 October 2011. Web. 4 November 2012. <http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2011/10/12/the-conservative-case-against-a-border-fence-trying-to-stop-illegal-immigration-with-a-really-big-fence-would-be-a-futile-waste-of-money>
Michele Bachmann. 2012 Republican Primary Debate. Various dates; 2011/12. Television.
Williams, Walter. "John Williams’ Shadow Government Statistics" Shadow Stats. Economics
Website, 2 November 2012. Web. 5 November 2012.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Speech 3 - US Foreign Policy and Blowback
US Foreign Policy and Blowback
Throughout the last few decades there have been a large number of attacks both on US citizens, bases, embassies, and the US's allies. But what caused these attacks? Was it because we are to free? Not at all. It is the United States’ foreign policy, which caused what the CIA calls Blowback; the unintended consequences of actions taken by the US government that the American people have no idea what has or is happening. Since there is a ton of history to cover, I want to focus on three events. The first being who stopped following our founding principles, the Iranian coup in ‘53, and recent events in Pakistan with our drone attacks that is building future blowback.
Now, before I delve into America’s history of foreign policy and total war. I would like to state that the US’s actions abroad is not “our” burden to bare, but rather it is the US government’s. The United States has fallen from its original graces and no longer ran by We the People. This country is now split down the middle, where politicians are bought off and controlled by the most powerful banks in the world. Banks, which control this nation’s currency under the heading of the Federal Reserve, that have the power in one pen stroke can cripple the military industrial complex President Eisenhower originally warned would bring this nation to its knees with its need for imperialism. We the People now have less freedom, our constitution means squat, and this country’s name has been tarnished by constant abridgement of our foreign and domestic policies. This is the blowback from not following our founding principles.
While We the People can make a difference and change history, this is the wrong speech for me to discuss solutions. To even begin talking solutions, there must be a better understanding of this country’s history, why blowback, like the 9/11 attacks and recent embassy attacks are happening today.
Foreign policy in this country should be very simple to state and understand. Thomas Jefferson said it in its simplest form, “Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship. No entangling alliances.” These words can easily be used to summarize most of the first 90 years of this nation’s history. What happened then though, is where things went awry.
Elected March 4, 1861 was the beginning of the US’s decline. Who was elected 1861? Historian Thomas DiLorenzo in his book “The Real Lincoln” as well as I, would state the worst president in US history was elected that day, Abraham Lincoln. To quickly summarize the disaster he caused. He abridged the 10th amendment right to secession for states. He started the Civil War. That’s right, he was warned that if he sent his ship to the south to resupply his bases, instead of pulling his troops out of the newly seceded states, Fort Sumter would attack. The civil war was entirely avoidable.
The Civil War was the worst example of tyranny by any president. During which, Lincoln enacted the basic war ideology of total war, meaning, civilians could and would be targeted, not just the enemy armies. This lead to the burning of the majority of all cities, towns, and farms. This lead to starvation of many women and children. Women were also raped by Northern soldiers. During the entire campaign, Lincoln visited general Ulysses S. Grant on the front lines to relish in stories of the latest escapades of his soldiers in the south.
Due to Lincoln’s actions, it allowed future imperialistic actions to flourish.
The cold war was the beginning of the USA’s fight for puppet control over many nations. The blowback has come in small doses so far, but it is building. During the cold war, we were in a constant battle with the USSR. We took control of many nations through different means. Japan, South Korea, Nigeria, Nicaragua, to name a few. We took these nations over through various methods. Placement of US bases, economic benefits and control, funded coup d'etats, or just bolstering a dictator with arms and money.
The CIA is involved in the majority of the coups and funding of dictators and questionable organizations. Some of the best known organizations the CIA helped, and is still helping maintain power, is Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Contras and the Mujahedin-e. Individuals who gained the most power thanks to our interventions include Mubarak, the former Egyptian leader; Osama bin Laden, former leader of Al-Qaeda; and Saddam Hussein former leader of Iraq.
While there have been at least 30 CIA coups, I want to focus on is the Iranian coup in 1953. During that year a man named Mohammad Mosaddegh was democratically elected as prime minister of Iran. Mosaddegh wanted to nationalize the oil fields controlled by the company now known as BP. After tensions between Britain and Iran increased, the US intervened telling Iran to denationalize their oil fields. After negotiations failed, the US had the CIA fund a coup that reinstated the US and Britain favoring Shah. Mosaddegh was places in house arrest for the rest of his life. An interactive telling of it can be viewed by playing the free game Cat and Coup.
In 1979, the Iranian people overthrew the Shah, and placed the current Iranian government that is likely to be this country's next war.
Within the recent decade, the USA has been conducting drone strikes against “targeted” individuals. Sadly, the accuracy is just as poor as the smart bombs used in WW2. Many civilians are killed in each attack. Our most heavily targeted country is Pakistan. Due to the attacks President Obama and Bush issued, the Pakistani people are demanding their government to take action, and end all alliances. As more attacks happen, the stronger their hatred, the more frequent attacks on embassies, tourists, and soldiers on their soil. This is true everywhere we bomb, occupy, or manipulate.
America’s History of Foreign Policy is an interesting one. Its history is deep within this nation’s roots. If there was more time, I would have loved to go over it in way more detail. Still understanding the point where things went awry, a nice midpoint since that is rearing its head, and our most recent actions in countries like Pakistan allows for understanding of the blowback taken against us. Blowback is brewing, greater every day. They do not hate us because we are free, they hate us because we are there destroying their lives.
US Foreign Policy and Blowback
I. Introduction
Throughout the last few decades there have been a large number of attacks both on US citizens, bases, embassies, and the US's allies. But what caused these attacks? Was it because we are to free? Not at all. It is the United States’ foreign policy, which caused what the CIA calls Blowback; the unintended consequences of actions taken by the US government that the American people have no idea what has or is happening. Since there is a ton of history to cover, I want to focus on three events. The first being who stopped following our founding principles, the Iranian coup in ‘53, and recent events in Pakistan with our drone attacks that is building future blowback.
II. National Breakdown
a. Discuss our national breakdown that has lead to many issues and problems around the world.
b. Dwight Eisenhower’s warning about the Military Industrial Complex did not scratch the surface of what was really controlling the strings of our fall.
c. We the People’s loss of liberties grave form of domestic blowback of bad policy.
III. Purpose and Understanding
a. Explain that knowing this country’s history allows a better understanding of how things happened. b. Discuss how this all benefits everyone.
c. Explain basics of proper foreign policy using Thomas Jefferson’s quote “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship. No entangling alliances.”
IV. - Lincoln
a. His use of total war.
b. Attacks on the civilians and those who spoke against his policies.
a. Funding of terrorism; Bin Laden; Al-Qaeda; etc.
b. Mention their involvement in numerous coups; Iraq, Sudan, etc.
c. Discuss in some detail the coup against Mohammad Mosaddegh.
VI. Pakistan
a. Point out inaccuracy of the drone bomb; similar to “smart bombs.”
b. Citizens are rising up against USA due to civilian death toll.
c. Constantly increases in blowback due to the US government’s actions.
VII. Conclusion
America’s History of Foreign Policy is an interesting one. Its history is deep within this nation’s roots. If there was more time, I would have loved to go over it in way more detail. Still understanding the point where things went awry, a nice midpoint since that is rearing its head, and our most recent actions in countries like Pakistan allows for understanding of the blowback taken against us. Blowback is brewing, greater every day. They do not hate us because we are free, they hate us because we are there destroying their lives.
Jefferson, Thomas. "First Inaugural Address In the Washington, D.C." Bartleby Bookstore. Web. October 21, 2012. <http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres16.html>.
DiLorenzo, Thomas. The Real Lincoln. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002. Print
The Cat and the Coup. Version 1.0. Peter Brinson and Kurosh ValaNejad. Digital: Steam. October 21, 2012.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Speech 2 - Informative - Libertarian Party
The Libertarian Party
Many of you here are a part of the Republican or Democrat parties. Many of you know about their platforms. But how how many of you know about Libertarian party and its platform? A way to think of the libertarian platform is true fiscal conservatism, the promotion of individualism, and strict adherence to the non-aggression principle. The party itself is a viable option past the typical two-party dichotomy we are used to.
The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971. It is currently the third largest and fastest growing party in this country. We believe in state rights, and the ability for states to nullify federal legislation.
Currently there are a large number of candidates running for election. The Libertarian presidential candidate is former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, and VP candidate is current California Supreme Court Judge Jim Gray. Here in Florida the LP has Calen Fretts running for congress; as well as, Peter Richter and Jonathan Loesche running for state house. Calen and Peter are both highly likely to win their seats, making history in this state by being the first Libertarians to hold those seats in Florida. All these candidates strongly stand for the party’s platform.
The first major plank of the libertarian platform is Fiscal conservatism. The overall belief is that everyone should own the entirety of the fruits of their labor. Direct taxation like income tax is immoral and there are other ways to raise funding for government. Also, we believe the government has grown way too big, therefore needs to be reduced to reasonable, constitutionally mandated, and fiscally responsible levels. We also want to end the Federal Reserve, and reduce spending; not just simply balance the budget while secretly raising spending.
Lew Rockwell, an austrian economist and founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute stated that:
“The larger the government, the more our livings standards are reduced. We are fortunate as a civilization that the progress of free enterprise generally outpaces the regress of government growth, for, if that were not the case, we would be poorer each year - not just in relative terms, but absolutely poorer too. The market is smart and the government is dumb, and to these attributes do we owe the whole of our economic well-being.”
This is a perfect quote quantifying the libertarian belief in austrian economics and limited government.
The second plank of the platform is the belief in individualism and the non-aggression principle. The text book of individualism is the belief in the importance of individual civil rights, in the virtues of self-reliance, and personal independence from the state. The not-textbook definition is, I am an individual, and no one has the right to stop me from doing what I or what any other individual wants to do. If I want to smoke pot, no one should tell me I cannot smoke. If I want to own a dozen guns, its not any governance’s right to know what they are. As long as what I am doing does not interfere with another person’s life or rights, except if by mutual contract, then its fair game.
Acts of violence is a violation of a person’s individual rights, and goes against the non-aggression principle. Former Republican presidential candidate in 2008 & 2012, who also ran as Libertarian candidate in 1988, Ron Paul stated in his book Freedom Under Siege:
"All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals."
This quote pretty much completely states exactly what the non-aggression principle advocates, except individuals do have the right to defend themselves.
So, How many of you now know about Libertarian party and it platform? Excellent, now you all have a better understanding of the Libertarian Party and its platform. A party that has become a viable option in local, state, and federal elections versus just those two-party system we know today. A party with a strong platform of fiscal conservatism and individual understanding, that promotes peace and, non-aggressive.
Thank you.
Rockwell, Llewellyn. “Seeing the Unseen.” LewRockwell.com. January 1st, 2008. Web.
September 26th, 2012.
Paul, Ron. Freedom Under Siege. Lake Jackson: Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc., 1987.
I. Introduction
Many of you here are a part of the Republican or Democrat parties. Many of you know about their platforms. But how how many of you know about Libertarian party and its platform? A way to think of the libertarian platform is true fiscal conservatism and social individualism; as well, as strict adherence to the non-aggression principle. The party itself is a viable option past the typical two-party dichotomy we are used to.
II. The Party
a. Give a variety of information on the LP ranging from current presidential
candidates, one or two state candidates, party size, and growth information.
III. Fiscal conservatism.
a. Explain all key points.
i. small government
ii. debt reduction
iii. reduced taxation
b. Discuss how this all benefits everyone.
c. Use the following quotation from Llewellyn “Lew” Rockwell, founder of the
Ludwig von Mises Institute -
The larger the government, the more our livings standards are reduced. We are fortunate as a civilization that the progress of free enterprise generally outpaces the regress of government growth, for, if that were not the case, we would be poorer each year - not just in relative terms, but absolutely poorer too. The market is smart and the government is dumb, and to these attributes do we owe the whole of our economic well-being.
IV. Individualism and the Non-Aggression Principle.
a. Give the basic definition of individualism ie the everyone is an individual
therefore should be respected as an individual.
b. Use this quote from former republican and libertarian presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul. -
"All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals."
V. Conclusion
So, How many of you now know about Libertarian party and it platform? Excellent, now you all have a better understanding of the Libertarian Party and its platform. A party that has become a viable option in local, state, and federal elections versus just those two-party system we know today. A party with a strong platform of fiscal conservatism and individual understanding, that promotes peace and, non-aggressive.
Rockwell, Llewellyn. “Seeing the Unseen.” LewRockwell.com. January 1st, 2008. Web.
September 26th, 2012.
Paul, Ron. Freedom Under Siege. Lake Jackson: Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc., 1987.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
One Algorithm Made Up 4% Of All Trading Last Week
No one knows where it came from, or what it was meant to do, but 4
percent of all trading in the U.S. stock market last week was executed
by one algorithm, CNBC reports.
Nanex, a market data firm, told CNBC
that the algorithm was placing orders once every 25 milliseconds and
then canceling them. The orders went out in bursts of 200, then 400, and
then 1,000 orders.
Then suddenly, around 10:30 AM on Friday, the algorithm stopped entirely.
Nanex has the animation that helped them zoom in to the mysterious algorithm posted here.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mystery-algorithm-4-of-trading-last-week-2012-10#ixzz28sDtZyZY
This type of trading needs to be banned.
Then suddenly, around 10:30 AM on Friday, the algorithm stopped entirely.
Nanex has the animation that helped them zoom in to the mysterious algorithm posted here.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mystery-algorithm-4-of-trading-last-week-2012-10#ixzz28sDtZyZY
This type of trading needs to be banned.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Biologists Replay 500 Million Years Of E Coli Evolution In The Lab
Here's one of them. Synthetic biology is the design and construction of biological systems not found in nature. This is engineering-- using molecular building blocks to create new biomolecules, such as genes.
Here's another technique. By comparing the DNA of related species, biologists can work out the DNA structure of their common ancestors.
Then, using synthetic biology, they can reconstruct these sequences in the lab. In this way, biologists have begun to resurrect all kinds of ancient biomolecules, including hormone receptors and even ancient molecular machines.
Today, Betül Kaçar and Eric Gaucher at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta reveal that they have combined these techniques to perform a remarkable experiment.
These guys have reconstructed an ancient gene from an ancestor of the bacterial organism E coli that lived some 500 million years ago. They've then replaced the modern version of this gene with the ancient one in a population of E coli.
Continued Here
This is an interesting piece of news that truly makes you think about what scientists can study and possibly prove with new technologies.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Things are moving along
Yesterday was a great day for Hernando County Florida. The members of the Libertarian Party had our vote and elected our incumbent chairman, vice-chair, secretary, and treasure.
With this, we are starting to build a new chapter in Hernando County. One that will lead to a new, powerful voice that will influence politics in the county.
I was nominated to become the chairman of the party in Hernando. I welcome to responsibility and will do everything in my power to support our activism and growth.
With this, we are starting to build a new chapter in Hernando County. One that will lead to a new, powerful voice that will influence politics in the county.
I was nominated to become the chairman of the party in Hernando. I welcome to responsibility and will do everything in my power to support our activism and growth.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Speech 1 - Introduction: Journalism
Speech Outline:
I. Introduction
II. Journalism I
III. Journalism II
IV.. Conclusion
Journalism has been one of my main passions for the last decade. I enjoyed the work and process needed to create a great articles. My drive to create great, entertaining pieces have lead me to work for one of the most exciting industries write for; the video game industry. It has allowed me to meet many amazing people, and achieve quite a bit of notoriety as a writer. Let me tell you about my experience.
In 2006, I started writing for a website called PlayStation 3 Portal. It was a small website with ambitious owners looking to grow the site. After a few short months of writing, the website merge with another PlayStation website to become what is now known as PlayStation Universe. With the merger we obtained a much larger reader base, and more call for game reviews, as well as editorials. After assisting with corporate relations work, we started to receive games from publishers to review. I was not with PSU for very long, maybe a year at best. During which I reviewed around 30 titles, wrote 4 editorials, and a few hundred news articles.
Mid 2007, I started to work for VGChartz.com. A very controversial site due to the independent nature of sales tracking the website has become known for. I worked for the site till May 2011. During my four year stay, I worked corporate relations and had earned the direct numbers to CEOs in companies like Sony World Studios, Epic Games, and Electronic Arts. I wrote press releases, news articles and game reviews. I’ve reviewed acclaimed titles like Battlefield Bad Company 2, Rift, and the Sam & Max franchise. A number of the games I reviewed have featured my scores their retail game box arts.
The last decade has been a very enjoyable experience for me as a journalist. Being a journalist in the video game industry was great fun. It allowed me create a vast number of articles, game reviews, and meet some amazing people. The pinnacle of my work forever immortalized on various game box arts, and in my readers minds.
Thank You.
I. Introduction
has been one of my main passions for the last decade. I enjoyed the
work and process needed to create a great articles. My drive to create
great, entertaining pieces have lead me to work for one of the most
exciting industries write for; the video game industry. It has allowed
me to meet many amazing people, and achieve quite a bit of notoriety as a
writer. Let me tell you about my experience.
II. Journalism I
a. Mention short term under PlayStation 3 Portal banner before merger.
b. Detail work done at PlayStation Universe
III. Journalism II
a. Start discussing my beginning at VGChartz.com.
b. Discuss Corporate Relations work and mention how high in corporate ladders I have worked with before.
c. Detail other written work done at VGChartz.
IV.. Conclusion
last decade has been a very enjoyable experience for me as a
journalist. Being a journalist in the video game industry was great fun.
It allowed me create a vast number of articles, game reviews, and meet
some amazing people. The pinnacle of my work forever immortalized on
various game box arts, and in my readers minds.
Journalism has been one of my main passions for the last decade. I enjoyed the work and process needed to create a great articles. My drive to create great, entertaining pieces have lead me to work for one of the most exciting industries write for; the video game industry. It has allowed me to meet many amazing people, and achieve quite a bit of notoriety as a writer. Let me tell you about my experience.
In 2006, I started writing for a website called PlayStation 3 Portal. It was a small website with ambitious owners looking to grow the site. After a few short months of writing, the website merge with another PlayStation website to become what is now known as PlayStation Universe. With the merger we obtained a much larger reader base, and more call for game reviews, as well as editorials. After assisting with corporate relations work, we started to receive games from publishers to review. I was not with PSU for very long, maybe a year at best. During which I reviewed around 30 titles, wrote 4 editorials, and a few hundred news articles.
Mid 2007, I started to work for VGChartz.com. A very controversial site due to the independent nature of sales tracking the website has become known for. I worked for the site till May 2011. During my four year stay, I worked corporate relations and had earned the direct numbers to CEOs in companies like Sony World Studios, Epic Games, and Electronic Arts. I wrote press releases, news articles and game reviews. I’ve reviewed acclaimed titles like Battlefield Bad Company 2, Rift, and the Sam & Max franchise. A number of the games I reviewed have featured my scores their retail game box arts.
The last decade has been a very enjoyable experience for me as a journalist. Being a journalist in the video game industry was great fun. It allowed me create a vast number of articles, game reviews, and meet some amazing people. The pinnacle of my work forever immortalized on various game box arts, and in my readers minds.
Thank You.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Update 9/15/2012 - School and Liberty
Hello readers!
Sorry for the slight inactivity. I will continue to post news pieces and give opinions on them as I can. College classes and homework has taken up a good percentage of my time, and I have been asked to take an even greater role in creating an official local charter of the Libertarian Party.
Since I am in a speech class, I think I will post the speeches here. Kind of as a helpful example for those taking Public Speaking, those looking for speech samples, or generally just interested in a reading a random speech. The first speech will probably be posted Tuesday. It is just a basic introduction speech, but it does have my political, journalistic history, and some self-education discussion within,
Thanks for reading my blog and your continued support!
With Liberty,
- Matt Schnackenberg
Sorry for the slight inactivity. I will continue to post news pieces and give opinions on them as I can. College classes and homework has taken up a good percentage of my time, and I have been asked to take an even greater role in creating an official local charter of the Libertarian Party.
Since I am in a speech class, I think I will post the speeches here. Kind of as a helpful example for those taking Public Speaking, those looking for speech samples, or generally just interested in a reading a random speech. The first speech will probably be posted Tuesday. It is just a basic introduction speech, but it does have my political, journalistic history, and some self-education discussion within,
Thanks for reading my blog and your continued support!
With Liberty,
- Matt Schnackenberg
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Fed will do whatever it takes to get hiring going
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Fed up with the anemic pace of hiring, the
Federal Reserve promised Thursday that it would do whatever it takes to
reduce unemployment.
The Fed stepped up its efforts to boost economic growth, opting for a
round of quantitative easing, in a meaningful change in its tactics.
The Federal Open Market Committee said it would buy an additional $40
billion per month in mortgage-backed bonds, above and beyond the bonds
it is now buying as a part of Operation Twist.
This is the QE3 that’s been talked about so much.
Significantly, the new bond-buying plan is open-ended, meaning that the
Fed will keep buying long-term bonds until it sees a substantial
improvement in the job market. If hiring doesn’t pick up, the Fed could
step up the pace of bond-buying until it does.
The key phrase in the Fed’s statement was this: “If the outlook for the
labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue
its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake
additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as
appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price
Continued Here
The Federal Reserve has basically declared that QE3 will happen. While Bernanke stated he will only do it if the labor market doesn't improve, there is no way it can while interest rates are artificially low. The economy is in shambled because of his/their actions and therefore needs to be ended, not encouraged. Sadly, there is no way to stop this from happening at this current moment. Expect another depression much deeper than the one the Fed originally created in the 30s.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Dime Cards to Replace U.S. Currency?
Dime cards,
rule of law,
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Some Of The Really Bad Things That Could Happen If You Do Not Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse
The man in charge of our financial system, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, is not going to save our economy. He didn't see the last financial crisis coming, and even after things started falling apart he continued to insist that housing prices would not go down and that we would not have a recession.
Well, it turned out that we had the worst housing crash and the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
But still millions of Americans are trusting him to save us this time around.
It isn't going to happen.
The truth is that the design of the Federal Reserve system itself is fundamentally flawed.
The biggest reason why the U.S. government is 16 trillion dollars in debt is because the system is designed to create gigantic amounts of government debt.
Yes, without a doubt the vast majority of our politicians are corrupt and/or incompetent, but even if we replaced every single one of them our economic problems would still persist until the underlying structural problems were addressed.
Continued here
All I have to say to this is that I agree completely. Those who are unprepared for the crash that will happen needs to get moving and set themselves up for the hard times ahead.
Friday, August 31, 2012
RNC Day 3 - Titanic Act 3
Yesterday was a very interesting day at the final day at the RNC. The speeches were extremely statist. If the Republican Party actually thinks the liberty movement would be attracted to the cold reception and statism on show, they are insane.
Condoleezza Rice basically gave a giant war propaganda speech. She hailed how we are doing good around the world, and that we should be at war with even more nations to farther promote democracy. Because democracy and bombs go so well together. Guess she wants it all to blowback in our face with an incredible force.
Marco Rubio's speech was also interesting. He actually straight-up stated America chose more government versus more freedom. I don't think they chose, but rather were brainwashed into accepting it, but whatever helps him sleep at night.
After these two, and a number of other, clowns, it was was the ringleader Mitt Romney's turn to speak. His speech just cemented his idiocy on so many levels. He cheered empire abroad, and imagined unity at home. He attacked Obama on things that he himself supports. He believe not changing anything but the letter of behind the president's name will so how allow economic stability. Of course as one of the walls stated: US Debt 16~ trillion, We Built That. And it was built and grown by both parties.
Overall these three days have displayed why neither Romney or Obama should be president. Neither are qualified for the job. The corruption of the GOP, and Obama's failures during his first term, display this country is heading towards dark times before we accomplish re-achieving liberty in this country.
Condoleezza Rice basically gave a giant war propaganda speech. She hailed how we are doing good around the world, and that we should be at war with even more nations to farther promote democracy. Because democracy and bombs go so well together. Guess she wants it all to blowback in our face with an incredible force.
Marco Rubio's speech was also interesting. He actually straight-up stated America chose more government versus more freedom. I don't think they chose, but rather were brainwashed into accepting it, but whatever helps him sleep at night.
After these two, and a number of other, clowns, it was was the ringleader Mitt Romney's turn to speak. His speech just cemented his idiocy on so many levels. He cheered empire abroad, and imagined unity at home. He attacked Obama on things that he himself supports. He believe not changing anything but the letter of behind the president's name will so how allow economic stability. Of course as one of the walls stated: US Debt 16~ trillion, We Built That. And it was built and grown by both parties.
Overall these three days have displayed why neither Romney or Obama should be president. Neither are qualified for the job. The corruption of the GOP, and Obama's failures during his first term, display this country is heading towards dark times before we accomplish re-achieving liberty in this country.
mainstream media,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
RNC Day 2 - Titanic Act 2
To the life boats!
That is what basically happened today at the Republican National Convention. With staged walk-outs, a very pathetic tribute to Dr. Ron Paul, and Rand Paul's speech, you would think the Republican Party doesn't have a clue yet their ship hit an iceberg. Guess that is the benefit of being in "first class."
Today was in general a very boring day at the RNC. There were a number of protests and attempts to re-amend party rules, which ended in failure, but nothing worth going into detail about.
The majority of Goldwater conservatives and Ron Paul libertarian-conservative have pretty much been shunned. The party is digging its centralist roots deeper into the ground and saying no to those who stand against it. Therefore it is time for those who fought against tyranny will leave the oldest tyrannical party in the USA.
The boat is basically sunk for the Republican party. Those that want to be saved are fleeing to the lifeboats, and the rest will soon feel the cold existence that awaits them in those dark waters.
All I have to say is congrats to all delegates who staged the walk-out this evening, and may you leave the republican party very, very soon.
That is what basically happened today at the Republican National Convention. With staged walk-outs, a very pathetic tribute to Dr. Ron Paul, and Rand Paul's speech, you would think the Republican Party doesn't have a clue yet their ship hit an iceberg. Guess that is the benefit of being in "first class."
Today was in general a very boring day at the RNC. There were a number of protests and attempts to re-amend party rules, which ended in failure, but nothing worth going into detail about.
The majority of Goldwater conservatives and Ron Paul libertarian-conservative have pretty much been shunned. The party is digging its centralist roots deeper into the ground and saying no to those who stand against it. Therefore it is time for those who fought against tyranny will leave the oldest tyrannical party in the USA.
The boat is basically sunk for the Republican party. Those that want to be saved are fleeing to the lifeboats, and the rest will soon feel the cold existence that awaits them in those dark waters.
All I have to say is congrats to all delegates who staged the walk-out this evening, and may you leave the republican party very, very soon.
Ron Paul,
RNC Day 1 - Titanic Act 1
The smoke has cleared on the first full day of the Republican National Convention. So what have we learned? What actually happened? And why did I name this post Titanic Act 1? All these are easily answered.
What happened today was frankly appalling. The amount of fraud and corruption was spewing from neo-con's ears on stage was sickening. All rule changes, done by a "voice vote" were railroaded through even though the nays against the changes were definitely louder than the ayes. Romney and establishment delegates were told to chant U-S-A every time anyone tried to question or showed "dissent" against what was happening. Many Ron Paul delegates were illegally detained on buses throughout the votes. Even delegates from Florida who were pro-Romney were forgotten at their hotels as an act of revenge against Florida for changing its primary date.
So what exactly did we learn from all this? Never trust the GOP. The Republican Party is as corrupt and should never be placed any higher than the Democrat Party. They lie, cheat, and steal votes, silence dissenters, and frankly do not care what the average person thinks about their actions.
After today's events, it is obvious the Republican party is reenacting Titanic. They held their big convention, the "pretty boy" was found out to be a street rat, and the boat collided with the giant iceberg. The party is now sinking into oblivion due to their treachery against its own loyal members, forget about the flogging those who support Ron Paul got. It seems the GOP saw the Democrat Party's house of cards starting to fall over and wanted to win the race to the bottom first.
Today we learned a very important lesson. Political parties like the GOP are scum. They enjoy destroying dissent even if it ends up destroying themselves in the process. There are two more days and two more acts till the end of the GOP's Titanic. Let us see who is left holding onto those planks in the end.
What happened today was frankly appalling. The amount of fraud and corruption was spewing from neo-con's ears on stage was sickening. All rule changes, done by a "voice vote" were railroaded through even though the nays against the changes were definitely louder than the ayes. Romney and establishment delegates were told to chant U-S-A every time anyone tried to question or showed "dissent" against what was happening. Many Ron Paul delegates were illegally detained on buses throughout the votes. Even delegates from Florida who were pro-Romney were forgotten at their hotels as an act of revenge against Florida for changing its primary date.
So what exactly did we learn from all this? Never trust the GOP. The Republican Party is as corrupt and should never be placed any higher than the Democrat Party. They lie, cheat, and steal votes, silence dissenters, and frankly do not care what the average person thinks about their actions.
After today's events, it is obvious the Republican party is reenacting Titanic. They held their big convention, the "pretty boy" was found out to be a street rat, and the boat collided with the giant iceberg. The party is now sinking into oblivion due to their treachery against its own loyal members, forget about the flogging those who support Ron Paul got. It seems the GOP saw the Democrat Party's house of cards starting to fall over and wanted to win the race to the bottom first.
Today we learned a very important lesson. Political parties like the GOP are scum. They enjoy destroying dissent even if it ends up destroying themselves in the process. There are two more days and two more acts till the end of the GOP's Titanic. Let us see who is left holding onto those planks in the end.
Ron Paul,
Monday, August 27, 2012
Ron Paul's Rally - Short Impression
This event made me extremely proud to be in the liberty movement. There were so many great speakers and ideas being discussed it makes me smile just thinking about it.
The main focus was the Republican party and co-opting it with the liberty movement's agenda, sweat, and blood. As a libertarian, I walked away with a smile because no matter what, we will be pushing to inject base libertarian ideology into the Rep party. It also instilled that libertarians themselves will be a great help in the coming years.
The message was perfectly clear, as well. This was Dr. Paul last rodeo and it's time for the torchbearers to become leaders. Everyone from all parties that believe in liberty need to take a stand and fight. We need to win this ideological war for future generations.
While I already do a number if things for Florida's liberty movement, plan on running for Congress in '14, and have various other things on my plate from college to finding employment, I want to push myself harder and find other ways to enhance liberty here.
Thank you Dr. Paul for inspiring me, again.
The main focus was the Republican party and co-opting it with the liberty movement's agenda, sweat, and blood. As a libertarian, I walked away with a smile because no matter what, we will be pushing to inject base libertarian ideology into the Rep party. It also instilled that libertarians themselves will be a great help in the coming years.
The message was perfectly clear, as well. This was Dr. Paul last rodeo and it's time for the torchbearers to become leaders. Everyone from all parties that believe in liberty need to take a stand and fight. We need to win this ideological war for future generations.
While I already do a number if things for Florida's liberty movement, plan on running for Congress in '14, and have various other things on my plate from college to finding employment, I want to push myself harder and find other ways to enhance liberty here.
Thank you Dr. Paul for inspiring me, again.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
A few inspirational videos by We Are Change.
Each video has its own message, but they are messages worth sharing.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Feds Are Cutting Social Security Benefits From Retirees Who Can't Pay Back Student Loans
While most attention in the ongoing student debt crisis narrative has
focused on new graduates, it turns out the federal government has been
quietly targeting a different group of debtors: retirees.
The Treasury Department has been withholding as much as 15 percent of Social Security benefits from "a rapidly growing number of Social Security recipients who have fallen behind on federal student loans," Smart Money's Annamaria Andriotis reports:
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-feds-are-garnishing-social-security-benefits-from-retirees-who-cant-pay-back-student-loans-2012-8#ixzz2494XYFaB
This is far from unexpected, many financial experts have warned of government roll backs of pensions, social security, etc to pay back debts. Gerald Celente especially warned of this. This is how government enslaves its people, making them more needy to government financial assistance. Eventually they will start cutting off aid to the older "useless" tax slaves when they people get accustom to government ending people's support after a certain age due to debt accumulation, so they'll say.
Human tax farming at its best.
The Treasury Department has been withholding as much as 15 percent of Social Security benefits from "a rapidly growing number of Social Security recipients who have fallen behind on federal student loans," Smart Money's Annamaria Andriotis reports:
"From January through August 6, the
government reduced the size of roughly 115,000 retirees' Social Security
checks on those grounds. That's nearly double the pace of the
department's enforcement in 2011; it's up from around 60,000 cases in
all of 2007 and just 6 cases in 2000...
The amount that the government withholds
varies widely, though it runs up to 15%. Assuming the average monthly
Social Security benefit for a retired worker of $1,234, that could mean a
monthly haircut of almost $190."
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-feds-are-garnishing-social-security-benefits-from-retirees-who-cant-pay-back-student-loans-2012-8#ixzz2494XYFaB
Human tax farming at its best.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
$200 million in upgrades planned at idle Crystal River nuclear power plant
In a move that flabbergasts its critics, Progress Energy Florida
plans to spend more than $200 million of its customers' money to upgrade
the Crystal River nuclear power plant.
This is the same plant that:
• Broke three years ago during another upgrade project.
• Has not produced a kilowatt of power since.
• Would cost at least $3 billion to repair including related power expenses.
• May never be restarted.
Nevertheless, Progress has budgeted millions to increase the plant's potential power output. To pay for it, customers' power bills will increase an estimated $51.5 million this year, $110.2 million next year and $64.5 million in 2014.
And that's not all.
Progress plans to spend hundreds of millions more on the plant for equipment and safety upgrades through 2014. The utility won't be able to charge customers for those expenditures at least until after 2017 because of an agreement with state regulators.
Critics equate it to replacing the drive-train on an aging, broken-down car that is more likely headed to the junkyard than back onto the street.
Continued here
This is a pointless amount of money for a dormant powerplant that frankly should be torn down and replaced with a thorium based generation 5 nuclear plant.
The argument from the clean energy person is a bit questionable, while its great that she is questioning the point, she misses the boat arguing against a nuclear plant that is still cleaner than coal plants. She should support a tear-down and massive upgrade to new technology considering the price tag is so far has been over $2 billion dollars; not just giving up.
Also, the costs should not be put on the taxpayers, especially since no one asked for the constant failures revolving around the upgrades.
This is the same plant that:
• Broke three years ago during another upgrade project.
• Has not produced a kilowatt of power since.
• Would cost at least $3 billion to repair including related power expenses.
• May never be restarted.
Nevertheless, Progress has budgeted millions to increase the plant's potential power output. To pay for it, customers' power bills will increase an estimated $51.5 million this year, $110.2 million next year and $64.5 million in 2014.
And that's not all.
Progress plans to spend hundreds of millions more on the plant for equipment and safety upgrades through 2014. The utility won't be able to charge customers for those expenditures at least until after 2017 because of an agreement with state regulators.
Critics equate it to replacing the drive-train on an aging, broken-down car that is more likely headed to the junkyard than back onto the street.
Continued here
This is a pointless amount of money for a dormant powerplant that frankly should be torn down and replaced with a thorium based generation 5 nuclear plant.
The argument from the clean energy person is a bit questionable, while its great that she is questioning the point, she misses the boat arguing against a nuclear plant that is still cleaner than coal plants. She should support a tear-down and massive upgrade to new technology considering the price tag is so far has been over $2 billion dollars; not just giving up.
Also, the costs should not be put on the taxpayers, especially since no one asked for the constant failures revolving around the upgrades.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Quick update
Just a quick update, I've been adding tags to all posts. Also, the news I find will relate to Florida, obviously federal bills effect Florida so if I see articles they will be here as well. All articles will get be short excerpts from them and a quick opinion on whats going on.
Also, if people could digg, reddit, share articles they enjoyed here feel free. Exposure helps.
In Liberty,
Matt Schnackenberg
Also, if people could digg, reddit, share articles they enjoyed here feel free. Exposure helps.
In Liberty,
Matt Schnackenberg
Ron Paul wants to make his presence known at RNC
Congressman Ron Paul has used much of the $2.5 million that
his campaign had at the end of July towards his rally that will be held
next week, Paul campaign spokesman Jesse Benton said. The event will be
held a day before the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.
The Paul-led event is called “Rally for the Liberty Delegates” and it will run simultaneously with a pro-Ron Paul rally in Tampa called “Paul Festival,” which is being organized by Paul supporters.
As Rep. Paul explains, “Our theme for this event will be, ‘We Are the Future – A Rally for the Liberty Delegates’. I’m sure it will not only be a great time, but it will also go a long way to proving you and I are the future of the Republican Party.”
Dr. Paul, an eleven-term congressman from Texas, has continued his campaign for the presidency despite strong signs that the GOP will make Mitt Romney their candidate in this election.
“Our team has been very busy working to plan our ‘Rally for the Liberty Delegates’ event in Tampa and setting up our convention plans, including the fight to seat as many of our delegates as possible,” Mr. Benton said in an email.
Read more: http://www.capitolcolumn.com/news/ron-paul-wants-to-make-his-presence-known-at-rnc/#ixzz23vIVxM6D
The more noticeable Dr. Paul is the better. He can drive a stack through the hearts of the establishment by having a bigger presences than the RNC, again.
The Paul-led event is called “Rally for the Liberty Delegates” and it will run simultaneously with a pro-Ron Paul rally in Tampa called “Paul Festival,” which is being organized by Paul supporters.
As Rep. Paul explains, “Our theme for this event will be, ‘We Are the Future – A Rally for the Liberty Delegates’. I’m sure it will not only be a great time, but it will also go a long way to proving you and I are the future of the Republican Party.”
Dr. Paul, an eleven-term congressman from Texas, has continued his campaign for the presidency despite strong signs that the GOP will make Mitt Romney their candidate in this election.
“Our team has been very busy working to plan our ‘Rally for the Liberty Delegates’ event in Tampa and setting up our convention plans, including the fight to seat as many of our delegates as possible,” Mr. Benton said in an email.
Read more: http://www.capitolcolumn.com/news/ron-paul-wants-to-make-his-presence-known-at-rnc/#ixzz23vIVxM6D
The more noticeable Dr. Paul is the better. He can drive a stack through the hearts of the establishment by having a bigger presences than the RNC, again.
Ferg's cancels Ron Paul RNC party
The Ron Paul party scheduled to take place at Ferg's in downtown St. Petersburg has been cancelled.
The organizers of the event told Ferg's the roadblocks and security put in place for the RNC Welcome Party at the Trop Sunday night have made it too difficult for people to access the area.
The City of St. Petersburg has announced an "event zone" that is closing off traffic and prohibiting certain items during the event and the days leading up to it.
Continued here
Since there are hundreds of other locations better suited, this just means that RP's party will get a better location away from the headache that is the RNC.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
How Do We Change the System?
As a believer in anarcho-libertarianism, my views are more about society after achieving a libertarian society instead of stopping at a constitutional government. Due to this, I am always asked why would I want to think about that, or told I probably won’t be alive when the time comes so why discuss such an issue. In a way, I am in a minority within the growing minority that is the libertarian ideology.
Obviously, my ideology, and the entire base libertarian ideology, is shunned completely by the media and statist paradigm. I laughingly did a search for anarcho-libertarianism, and ended up with some guy’s rant about “anarcho-libertarians taking over the republican party.” Well, here is the thing. The guy obviously does not realize that libertarians and those of similar ideologies have been moving to co-opt the party for a while now. Ron Paul was a libertarian and has publicly come out as a voluntarist. He has made it his goal to push liberty within the party. The fact the site supports Romney displays his lack of understanding of freedom and individual liberty, let alone classical liberalism. Still it is good to ask two fundamental questions: Why would libertarians or anyone want to co-opt any political party? And does the efforts taken offer any intrinsic benefits, with or without success?
To change the system of government, we must first gain a much louder voice. A voice that simply "being that other party" tends to lack. Generally, we do not even have to switch parties to assist gaining that voice. There is a growing number of youthful individuals that have read Dr. Paul's works, and realized the current political hierarchy has screwed them over. They are the ones hearing the need for candidates that care about the next generation, and are running. Running to spread the message of liberty; and to remove the status quo from office. Win or lose, there are massive benefits that comes with their candidacy. They are educating those who have not been taught what liberty truly means, and the evil government has become.
Education has always been key to any campaign and political movement; especially, the liberty movement, as true understanding of the US constitution, let alone, people’s natural rights have been black-bagged and co-opted by government education facilities. Campaigns always need to get the word out on who the candidate actually is, and what they stand for. Since government education has robbed students from understanding their basic freedoms, liberty candidates have to work twice as hard as the usual “keep the ball rolling” candidates.
Liberty education is done through two processes, literature and voice. We need to offer liberty oriented content in all forms of written word possible. Recommending other content like internet radio, podcasts, and audiobooks are other great resources. This sounds easy, but spreading the message takes time and patience. Having a passion behind your efforts also helps.
A good way to spread both vocal and literary liberty content is through the use of social networking. I personally have turned my Facebook into a news blog of sorts due to my constant sharing of political news. Sharing news is a good way to educate people on the tyrannies of government and show why it isn’t needed. You can also share resources that promote self-education, self-reliance, and other media promoting liberty. Remember to also recommend books and physical literature.
Creating pamphlets and educational cards are other forms of literature to use. You can use both forms of media as a way to either promote one specific message, or promote the reader to expand their knowledge on multiple topics through resource links and suggested reading. You can also use cards as invitations to speaking events, or liberty oriented meetings. If you trust the people around you, book sharing is another option, but not always recommended due to various issues that can come up.
Being vocal can be the most powerful form of education, as your voice can project the passion you onto the listener. Stand up, speak your mind, and be heard. Let the power of your voice bring people to your campaigns, and learn the understanding of liberty. Create audio recordings, and podcasts of speeches given and share them with the public through mediums like Facebook, YouTube, etc. Creating podcasts, videos, and other media that allows the public to see and hear what you have to say.
Now, not everyone is good at projecting your voices and standing in front of a crowd. There are ways to boost your ability to do it though. You can take a college class on Public Speaking, speak-up during any meetings involved with, or even use your family and friends as practice audiences.
Liberty candidates have to do everything stated above, as well as explain to citizens why and how their way of thinking will benefit them. This can be hard due to the media’s lies, as well as poor education in economics and various other subjects. They need to spread who they are every chance they can, and almost everywhere they do. Make to to go around and talking to business owners; smallers news outlets; offer online newsletters; business cards; candidate specific websites; etc., all help. Getting candidates known wins races.
We also need to focus on getting established radio shows and networks like LRN.FM (Liberty Radio Network); Free Talk Live; 1787 Radio Networks; The Liberty Underground Show; Freedom Feens; Bad Quaker; Porc Therapy; etc., played on more radios; cell phones; and computers around this county. These are great to get random people interested in liberty, as they might find the current discussion topic odd and continue listening instead of switching to another station. Sometimes these listeners will call into a show and question the hosts on what they are talking about, and why they think the way they do.
With an increasingly louder voice we can accomplish quite a bit. Our ground game will become more effective. We will force the media to give our candidates; activists; protests; grievances; and most importantly the message of liberty the attention it deserves. It will get more people listening to the message. Even if they disagree with the message now, the message will stick with them. Sometimes the random person will do like a new listeners to a liberty-oriented radio show, and ask questions.
Changing the system we have now definitely must happen. It will take time, but our time is coming. We will restore the republic. We will become the nation our founding fathers created again. The liberty movement is pushing ahead, and picking up steam the more supporters we have. Our voices is starting to be heard in all corners of not just this country, but around the world. There is a growing push for liberty that has never been seen in history before.
Both the Republican and Democrat Parties are scared, trying to run our candidates into the ground, even if they are running within their parties. Educating the voting public is making the establishment quake in their boots. Local elections are being won, not just by election, but through opening minds. Things are progressing in ways the establishment never expected.
At the end of the day, our actions and determination to educate the voting public is what will bring liberty back to this country. The passion of the people involved will inspire those who follow the established shepherds to research and discover themselves.
This is How We Change the System.
by Matthew Schnackenberg
Obviously, my ideology, and the entire base libertarian ideology, is shunned completely by the media and statist paradigm. I laughingly did a search for anarcho-libertarianism, and ended up with some guy’s rant about “anarcho-libertarians taking over the republican party.” Well, here is the thing. The guy obviously does not realize that libertarians and those of similar ideologies have been moving to co-opt the party for a while now. Ron Paul was a libertarian and has publicly come out as a voluntarist. He has made it his goal to push liberty within the party. The fact the site supports Romney displays his lack of understanding of freedom and individual liberty, let alone classical liberalism. Still it is good to ask two fundamental questions: Why would libertarians or anyone want to co-opt any political party? And does the efforts taken offer any intrinsic benefits, with or without success?
To change the system of government, we must first gain a much louder voice. A voice that simply "being that other party" tends to lack. Generally, we do not even have to switch parties to assist gaining that voice. There is a growing number of youthful individuals that have read Dr. Paul's works, and realized the current political hierarchy has screwed them over. They are the ones hearing the need for candidates that care about the next generation, and are running. Running to spread the message of liberty; and to remove the status quo from office. Win or lose, there are massive benefits that comes with their candidacy. They are educating those who have not been taught what liberty truly means, and the evil government has become.
Education has always been key to any campaign and political movement; especially, the liberty movement, as true understanding of the US constitution, let alone, people’s natural rights have been black-bagged and co-opted by government education facilities. Campaigns always need to get the word out on who the candidate actually is, and what they stand for. Since government education has robbed students from understanding their basic freedoms, liberty candidates have to work twice as hard as the usual “keep the ball rolling” candidates.
Liberty education is done through two processes, literature and voice. We need to offer liberty oriented content in all forms of written word possible. Recommending other content like internet radio, podcasts, and audiobooks are other great resources. This sounds easy, but spreading the message takes time and patience. Having a passion behind your efforts also helps.
A good way to spread both vocal and literary liberty content is through the use of social networking. I personally have turned my Facebook into a news blog of sorts due to my constant sharing of political news. Sharing news is a good way to educate people on the tyrannies of government and show why it isn’t needed. You can also share resources that promote self-education, self-reliance, and other media promoting liberty. Remember to also recommend books and physical literature.
Creating pamphlets and educational cards are other forms of literature to use. You can use both forms of media as a way to either promote one specific message, or promote the reader to expand their knowledge on multiple topics through resource links and suggested reading. You can also use cards as invitations to speaking events, or liberty oriented meetings. If you trust the people around you, book sharing is another option, but not always recommended due to various issues that can come up.
Being vocal can be the most powerful form of education, as your voice can project the passion you onto the listener. Stand up, speak your mind, and be heard. Let the power of your voice bring people to your campaigns, and learn the understanding of liberty. Create audio recordings, and podcasts of speeches given and share them with the public through mediums like Facebook, YouTube, etc. Creating podcasts, videos, and other media that allows the public to see and hear what you have to say.
Now, not everyone is good at projecting your voices and standing in front of a crowd. There are ways to boost your ability to do it though. You can take a college class on Public Speaking, speak-up during any meetings involved with, or even use your family and friends as practice audiences.
Liberty candidates have to do everything stated above, as well as explain to citizens why and how their way of thinking will benefit them. This can be hard due to the media’s lies, as well as poor education in economics and various other subjects. They need to spread who they are every chance they can, and almost everywhere they do. Make to to go around and talking to business owners; smallers news outlets; offer online newsletters; business cards; candidate specific websites; etc., all help. Getting candidates known wins races.
We also need to focus on getting established radio shows and networks like LRN.FM (Liberty Radio Network); Free Talk Live; 1787 Radio Networks; The Liberty Underground Show; Freedom Feens; Bad Quaker; Porc Therapy; etc., played on more radios; cell phones; and computers around this county. These are great to get random people interested in liberty, as they might find the current discussion topic odd and continue listening instead of switching to another station. Sometimes these listeners will call into a show and question the hosts on what they are talking about, and why they think the way they do.
With an increasingly louder voice we can accomplish quite a bit. Our ground game will become more effective. We will force the media to give our candidates; activists; protests; grievances; and most importantly the message of liberty the attention it deserves. It will get more people listening to the message. Even if they disagree with the message now, the message will stick with them. Sometimes the random person will do like a new listeners to a liberty-oriented radio show, and ask questions.
Changing the system we have now definitely must happen. It will take time, but our time is coming. We will restore the republic. We will become the nation our founding fathers created again. The liberty movement is pushing ahead, and picking up steam the more supporters we have. Our voices is starting to be heard in all corners of not just this country, but around the world. There is a growing push for liberty that has never been seen in history before.
Both the Republican and Democrat Parties are scared, trying to run our candidates into the ground, even if they are running within their parties. Educating the voting public is making the establishment quake in their boots. Local elections are being won, not just by election, but through opening minds. Things are progressing in ways the establishment never expected.
At the end of the day, our actions and determination to educate the voting public is what will bring liberty back to this country. The passion of the people involved will inspire those who follow the established shepherds to research and discover themselves.
This is How We Change the System.
by Matthew Schnackenberg
Ron Paul,
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sorry for the massive delay!
Hey guys, its been a while. My delay was mostly due to my lack of ambition to do much here. Plus I've had some writters block which didn't help.
Where to begin what I've been up to. Let's see.
To start things off, I have become a blogger for http://libertytakeover2012.com. Pretty much I take candidates' press releases from all around Florida, as well as event dates and YouTube video links, and post them up.
As an experiment, Liberty Takeover has been very successful. We have got a lot of candidates endorsed, and raised a whole ton of awareness for them. I think for 2013 and beyond we can roll it out past Florida.
Beyond that, I've been focusing on school and attending C4L and LP meetings. I do have an 'advertising sales' job, but it's not working out as smoothly as I wished.
I was also offered a position on an entertainment website blog, but why the hell would I take that when this blog is 100% more important to me.
Now that my journalistic drive is back, here is my plans for this blog.
1. Editorials. I love writing opinion pieces, so I will.
2. Get some form of news stories up.
3. Maybe continue the podcast, I hate doing them.
4. I will do audio and written, maybe even video, interviews with people. I have no camcorder so I will be using my DROIDX2. Frankly the camera is probably higher quality then what I can afford anyway so it will do.
5. Might have a brainstorm on a documentary. Based off gasland's shitty footage, my x2 will work. I will need funds for this, might need to start a kickstarter or indiegogo.
6. Floridian activist bios? Maybe. Why the fuck not. Or else some type of photography of state stupidity around here.
Well, here is my plan and first update in a while. Ill be typing draft up for a new editorial in a few hours.
With Liberty,
Matt Schnackenberg
Where to begin what I've been up to. Let's see.
To start things off, I have become a blogger for http://libertytakeover2012.com. Pretty much I take candidates' press releases from all around Florida, as well as event dates and YouTube video links, and post them up.
As an experiment, Liberty Takeover has been very successful. We have got a lot of candidates endorsed, and raised a whole ton of awareness for them. I think for 2013 and beyond we can roll it out past Florida.
Beyond that, I've been focusing on school and attending C4L and LP meetings. I do have an 'advertising sales' job, but it's not working out as smoothly as I wished.
I was also offered a position on an entertainment website blog, but why the hell would I take that when this blog is 100% more important to me.
Now that my journalistic drive is back, here is my plans for this blog.
1. Editorials. I love writing opinion pieces, so I will.
2. Get some form of news stories up.
3. Maybe continue the podcast, I hate doing them.
4. I will do audio and written, maybe even video, interviews with people. I have no camcorder so I will be using my DROIDX2. Frankly the camera is probably higher quality then what I can afford anyway so it will do.
5. Might have a brainstorm on a documentary. Based off gasland's shitty footage, my x2 will work. I will need funds for this, might need to start a kickstarter or indiegogo.
6. Floridian activist bios? Maybe. Why the fuck not. Or else some type of photography of state stupidity around here.
Well, here is my plan and first update in a while. Ill be typing draft up for a new editorial in a few hours.
With Liberty,
Matt Schnackenberg
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Real Political Spectrum
The Real Political Spectrum
by Matt Schnackenberg
There have been a lot of discussion around the internet as of late about the political spectrum and how everything falls within it. Unfortunately, there are many people who does not understand how the real left to right spectrum works and fall for the fictional one that the media spews.
The media only ever displays one massive falsity. The show a left to right graph where communism is at the left, moderates in the center, and Nazism/Fascism is on the right. This is not at all correct in any means. Libertarianism, Constitutionalism, Individualism, and Volunteerism are not “moderate” ideologies and therefore do not fall in between. Also, the section of graph they are taking and adding lies to is just a tiny part of the overall spectrum.
Leftists also argue an “incorrect” graph. I put incorrect in quotes because their graph is actually the European variation to the real graph, but reversed therefore it displays our left is Europe’s right. The only thing thing that is wrong with that is that they basically hail socialism as the road to freedom rather than communism’s younger less fascist brother.
Realistically, the graph starts with 100% governmental/totalitarian ideologies on the left; ie Communism, Socialism, and Nazism which are fascist ideologies. As the graph goes farther right the more freedom there is. French citizens are celebrating more freedom due to the political shift of moving back to a Socialist political system because Socialism is more right than Communism.
All the way to the right is anarchism, but is it the correct anarchism that people expect? Frankly no, the anarchism on the right is Individualism and Volunteerism. The founders of anarchism as its original root belongs is a variant of communism so therefore should be considered a more leftist ideology then they would wish to actually be considered.
Libertartianism and Federalism are basically the same ideology, but Libertarianism is a bit more right because it wants to restrain government farther than what the constitution should. Anarcho-Libertarianism, the belief Libertarianism is a bridge to the freer variants of Anarchism is of course farther right than either as it wants the death of government to happen when society is mature enough to handle it.
Republicans and Democrats are closer together than one would think. Why is this? Simply put the Democrat Party was co-opted by Lincoln during the “Civil War” aka The War Against the Union. Yes, there are people in BOTH parties that believe in limited government, state rights, and the constitution, but they are the extreme minority. At the end of the day, until either are co-opted or die, they are virtually the same party down to the base platform.
Now here is where I will probably turn some heads, because the following paragraph might sound absurd at first. I want you, the reader, to actually take time to evaluate this in your head before even considering flipping out.
The general belief is moderates are in between democrats and republicans in the spectrum. I disagree, highly. If I was to place them, it would be a bit farther right than Republicans. The reason I state this is very simple. They believe in a bit more individual freedoms than Republicans and way less restrictions than modern democrats. Most importantly, they do not believe in massive taxation and tend not to want massive expansions of government. That is not to say they do not want government. They are not libertarians in the push for limited or constitutional government. They just don’t want government the size the left wants, or the corporate controlled government the republicans do. They also tend to be against war.
The true list is as followed starting with the far left or 100% authoritarianism to the far right where we find true individual liberty: Communism, Anarchism, Socialism, Mercantilist, Green, Modern Liberalism, Republicanism, Moderates, Federalism (Classical Liberalism), Libertarianism, Anacho-Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Volunteerism and Individualism all the way to the right being interchangeable for the most freedom. Please note, I did not list feudalism, monarchies, etc, because they are old ideas that are dying or just have remnants of them floating around the third world nations.
by Matt Schnackenberg
There have been a lot of discussion around the internet as of late about the political spectrum and how everything falls within it. Unfortunately, there are many people who does not understand how the real left to right spectrum works and fall for the fictional one that the media spews.
The media only ever displays one massive falsity. The show a left to right graph where communism is at the left, moderates in the center, and Nazism/Fascism is on the right. This is not at all correct in any means. Libertarianism, Constitutionalism, Individualism, and Volunteerism are not “moderate” ideologies and therefore do not fall in between. Also, the section of graph they are taking and adding lies to is just a tiny part of the overall spectrum.
Leftists also argue an “incorrect” graph. I put incorrect in quotes because their graph is actually the European variation to the real graph, but reversed therefore it displays our left is Europe’s right. The only thing thing that is wrong with that is that they basically hail socialism as the road to freedom rather than communism’s younger less fascist brother.
Realistically, the graph starts with 100% governmental/totalitarian ideologies on the left; ie Communism, Socialism, and Nazism which are fascist ideologies. As the graph goes farther right the more freedom there is. French citizens are celebrating more freedom due to the political shift of moving back to a Socialist political system because Socialism is more right than Communism.
All the way to the right is anarchism, but is it the correct anarchism that people expect? Frankly no, the anarchism on the right is Individualism and Volunteerism. The founders of anarchism as its original root belongs is a variant of communism so therefore should be considered a more leftist ideology then they would wish to actually be considered.
Libertartianism and Federalism are basically the same ideology, but Libertarianism is a bit more right because it wants to restrain government farther than what the constitution should. Anarcho-Libertarianism, the belief Libertarianism is a bridge to the freer variants of Anarchism is of course farther right than either as it wants the death of government to happen when society is mature enough to handle it.
Republicans and Democrats are closer together than one would think. Why is this? Simply put the Democrat Party was co-opted by Lincoln during the “Civil War” aka The War Against the Union. Yes, there are people in BOTH parties that believe in limited government, state rights, and the constitution, but they are the extreme minority. At the end of the day, until either are co-opted or die, they are virtually the same party down to the base platform.
Now here is where I will probably turn some heads, because the following paragraph might sound absurd at first. I want you, the reader, to actually take time to evaluate this in your head before even considering flipping out.
The general belief is moderates are in between democrats and republicans in the spectrum. I disagree, highly. If I was to place them, it would be a bit farther right than Republicans. The reason I state this is very simple. They believe in a bit more individual freedoms than Republicans and way less restrictions than modern democrats. Most importantly, they do not believe in massive taxation and tend not to want massive expansions of government. That is not to say they do not want government. They are not libertarians in the push for limited or constitutional government. They just don’t want government the size the left wants, or the corporate controlled government the republicans do. They also tend to be against war.
The true list is as followed starting with the far left or 100% authoritarianism to the far right where we find true individual liberty: Communism, Anarchism, Socialism, Mercantilist, Green, Modern Liberalism, Republicanism, Moderates, Federalism (Classical Liberalism), Libertarianism, Anacho-Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Volunteerism and Individualism all the way to the right being interchangeable for the most freedom. Please note, I did not list feudalism, monarchies, etc, because they are old ideas that are dying or just have remnants of them floating around the third world nations.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Ep8 - Bridge to Liberty and Beyond Out
Monday, April 23, 2012
Why Anarchists and Libertarians Need to Work Together.
In today’s media circus, It is a common that pundits call the Libertarian philosophy of limited government an “anarchist message,” because they cannot wrap their heads around the differences in philosophy. Unbeknownst to mainstream pundits, there is a difference between the libertarian philosophy and anarchist philosophy.
Those knowledgeable in political philosophies know that there it is a difference between the two philosophies. The Anarchist philosophy is the belief in no government; with believers want to see the state eliminated completely as soon as possible. The libertarian philosophy is to limit the size and power government has over the individual, without eliminating it completely.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a rift between Libertarians and Anarchists because of the differences in philosophy. Both sides believe in the non-aggression principle so arguments rarely escalate to violence, but even so both groups need to come together more in order to scale government down to the point where both sides can determine if or when to kill it off completely.
One argument I have heard from anarchists is that if enough people stop paying taxes, while stating their sovereignty, they will somehow be safe from the current state of world affairs.
Logically they are far from correct course of action. With the United States growing its totalitarian power anyone refusing to pay for the growing police state is bound to be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives without question. The private prison system would love to have a few more residents in their cells.
I understand that Anarchists believe government is evil, which it is, and hate doing anything involving government including voting. Here’s the thing, if you avoid all government interaction at this stage of the game, your fight to reduce and eliminate it is pointless. We need to scale government down at all levels; local; state; and federal. The only way to do this is if we run for election, and/or vote candidates that at minimum believe in limited government. The more libertarian and anarchist candidates scale government back the sooner the option to keep or eliminate government will come up.
Of course, educating the populace to understand the benefits of limited or stateless societies needs to happen while we scale government back. We need to educate as many people as we can so society matures to the point where it can manage on its own and survive when/if the thin wire of governance is snipped.
Let us work together, Libertarian and Anarchist, to tame the beast of government. Let us temporarily forget our differences, and bring liberty and prosperity back to this land once again.
Those knowledgeable in political philosophies know that there it is a difference between the two philosophies. The Anarchist philosophy is the belief in no government; with believers want to see the state eliminated completely as soon as possible. The libertarian philosophy is to limit the size and power government has over the individual, without eliminating it completely.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a rift between Libertarians and Anarchists because of the differences in philosophy. Both sides believe in the non-aggression principle so arguments rarely escalate to violence, but even so both groups need to come together more in order to scale government down to the point where both sides can determine if or when to kill it off completely.
One argument I have heard from anarchists is that if enough people stop paying taxes, while stating their sovereignty, they will somehow be safe from the current state of world affairs.
Logically they are far from correct course of action. With the United States growing its totalitarian power anyone refusing to pay for the growing police state is bound to be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives without question. The private prison system would love to have a few more residents in their cells.
I understand that Anarchists believe government is evil, which it is, and hate doing anything involving government including voting. Here’s the thing, if you avoid all government interaction at this stage of the game, your fight to reduce and eliminate it is pointless. We need to scale government down at all levels; local; state; and federal. The only way to do this is if we run for election, and/or vote candidates that at minimum believe in limited government. The more libertarian and anarchist candidates scale government back the sooner the option to keep or eliminate government will come up.
Of course, educating the populace to understand the benefits of limited or stateless societies needs to happen while we scale government back. We need to educate as many people as we can so society matures to the point where it can manage on its own and survive when/if the thin wire of governance is snipped.
Let us work together, Libertarian and Anarchist, to tame the beast of government. Let us temporarily forget our differences, and bring liberty and prosperity back to this land once again.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A quick view on political philosophy
The federalist belief was to chain government mischief down with the
constitution. The libertarian belief is to chain it down and break its
legs. The philosophy of anarcho-libertarianism goes a bit farther and
works to dismember the body of the beast of government a little at a
time till society is mature enough to kill it completely. - Matt Schnackenberg
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Tax Incentives and Energy by Matthew Schnackenberg
Here in
Florida a bill numbered HR 7117 is currently sitting on Gov. Rick Scott's desk.
The bill is to provide tax incentives for companies and farmers in Florida to
build renewable energy plants. As a
libertarian I do take issue to the idea of handing out money to any company as
a subsidy or tax break. You want to do business within our state; you pay taxes
like the rest of the companies in the state.
incentives for energy of any kind are not new. According to the firm Earth Track,
the US federal government gives incentives to oil, coal, and nuclear companies
ranging for an absurd $41 billion to much lower yet still unnecessary $6
billion. Compare this to the incentives of all renewable sources - which
include wind, solar, hydro, and other sources - receive a modest $6 billion
combined. These numbers also do not
include state and local subsidies.
Now, I
believe all incentives need to end completely, but unlike the wishes of those
following the libertarian philosophy of limited government and free-market
economies, there is no way this will happen anytime soon. As many people know, many
Democrats will never back off their pushes for green energy subsidies as long
as there are fossil fuel subsidies, and many Republicans tend to be knee deep
in oil lobbyists' pockets so we will never see a push from their side to end oil
As a
libertarian myself, I will be overjoyed if HR 7117 is vetoed as it will save
taxpayers more of their hard-earned money. Of course, I never like to simply
view situations like this from one prospective. A person can never truly be
able to judge how things might play out if you hide yourself inside your
philosophy and never look from the prospective of those affected by this bill.
the massive incentives stated above for oil and nuclear resources, there is an
obvious display of favoritism when it comes to which resource our elected
officials have chosen for us to use. This creates unbalance within the
energy market and tilts it unfairly towards a select few energy sources
artificially priced lower. This reduced competition and removed the consumer
from the marketplace.
most logical solution is of course the one that cannot currently happen; which
is ending all subsidies so that the free-market decides which energy sources become
the more prominent in society. This would allow for the most unsafe and costly
sources of energy to either be revised to become more efficient or disappear
from the market completely.
the only solutions left is either allow the continued disparity in the energy
market continued by favoritism caused by both the state and federal government
or allow the state to at least allow a bit more balance to the energy market
within the state of Florida. This is a very tough call to make as the taxpayers
have already lost no matter which way Gov. Rick Scott goes.
While I
personally dislike Rick Scott for his shady operation as governor of this
state, I think I am willing to support his decision no matter which way he goes
with this bill. Vetoing the bill eliminates additional taxpayer burdens, but
does not allow for a fairer marketplace within our state that could easily create
some much-needed jobs. Signing the bill into law will create more opportunities
for job creation with new businesses opening, current businesses expanding
operations, and more consumer choice, but at the cost of increased tax-burdens
on the people. Both are fairly equal when weighing the positives and negatives revolving
around this bill.
From a
libertarian's prospective, increased taxation is increased theft, but I have
also seen how the government is already creating a huge disproportioned mess
that disallows fair competition. Taxpayers are already burdened by the debt
created by pre-existing subsidies that are bound to rise as oil prices raise due
the dying Federal Reserve note aka the dollar. We should support a fairer
market until we can eliminate all subsidies whether it is by slowly removing them
one by one starting with the most burdensome or removing all federal subsidies
at once by the elimination of the DOE. We should never support the government
giving a wad of money to one market of companies and ignoring their competition.
dictates that any internal improvement project and tax incentives at any level
of government tend to end in dismal failure leading to massive debt. Sadly, we
are at the age were internal improvements and tax incentives are everywhere. As
libertarians and like-minded constitutionalists, we have a duty to be shepherds
to lead this nation back to its roots. Along the way, we will have hard
decisions to make, like supporting or disapproving bills like HR 7117. Our
overall goal is a society and market free from government influence. As we
battle towards our goal, we should consider ways to temporarily balance areas
of the market until we can remove government completely. For Florida's energy market,
HR 7117 could be that temporary answer until we can eliminate federal overreach.
rule of law,
Monday, April 2, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Ep7: the Media
A short discussion about mainstream media.
mainstream media,
Friday, March 16, 2012
Episode 6: Get Involved released!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Episode 5: History of the Republicrat Party
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
A Floridian's Liberty Podcast - Ep4: State of our State
rule of law,
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Planning Ep4 - will be here soon
I'll be recording episode 4 tonight or tomorrow. Considering topic and if I want to go over news or not.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
A Floridian's Liberty Podcast - Ep2: War
Please donation to the campaign listed below so I can spread liberty in my local community.
rule of law,
A Floridian's Liberty Podcast - Ep1: Introduction
Please donation to the campaign listed below so I can spread liberty in my local community.
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